🤔 How do hospitals actually bill? 🤔
Find out how hospitals bill, how the quality of services is ensured, what sanctions there are
and much more.
Find out how hospitals bill, how the quality of services is ensured, what sanctions there are
and much more.
One thing is clear: a lot has to change in the healthcare sector. You can find out exactly what I think in this article.
We talk about how artificial intelligence will change the work in purchasing and logistics.
Now it will take wizards 🧙‍♂️ to keep hospitals alive until the preemptive flat rate goes into effect in 2026.
Supply bottlenecks are now part of everyday life in the healthcare sector. How do you deal with it?
Learn who inspires us.
Learn how to use questioning techniques properly for negotiations.
A buyer is an all-rounder A logistician a magician. They know everything about negotiation. And they bring New Work to life.
All you should know about purchasing, medicine and healthcare. Our guide to build a professional purchasing department: The pyramid! You reach the top of the pyramid with 10 steps.
Learn everything about the 6 core tasks of strategic sourcing. We help you to deeply understand how your can ngotiate better prices.