3. Total cost of ownership (TCO)
Learn how to do a TCO analysis. Use checklists. Don’t forget any follow-up costs from now on.
Learn how to do a TCO analysis. Use checklists. Don’t forget any follow-up costs from now on.
Investment funds are scarce. Modern technology and IT ensure the competitiveness of your hospital. We show you how it works.
A buyer is an all-rounder A logistician a magician. They know everything about negotiation. And they bring New Work to life.
All you should know about purchasing, medicine and healthcare. Our guide to build a professional purchasing department: The pyramid! You reach the top of the pyramid with 10 steps.
Learn everything about the 6 core tasks of strategic sourcing. We help you to deeply understand how your can ngotiate better prices.
Learn all about financing instruments and purchasing groups.
In this section we talk about: inventory management systems, barcodes, artificial intelligence, blockchain… Everything you need to know about digitalization
We launched our book in June on the “Hauptstadtkongress” in Berlin.
Puchasing in german hospitals is not possible without a deep understanding of the relevant laws. Procurement law, compliance, MDR, Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act . All you need to know.