4. Personalities
We teach yout the basics about personalities. Why? Most important: the more you know about yourself – the better you can interact with people. Be more efficent as a human resource developer and negotiator.
We teach yout the basics about personalities. Why? Most important: the more you know about yourself – the better you can interact with people. Be more efficent as a human resource developer and negotiator.
Learn how to do a TCO analysis. Use checklists. Don’t forget any follow-up costs from now on.
Does public procurement law annoy you? Do you have the impression that it doesn’t give good results? Ending the myths.
Investment funds are scarce. Modern technology and IT ensure the competitiveness of your hospital. We show you how it works.
In this article, you’ll learn how to deliver difficult messages.
1. loomLoom(loom.com) lets you record your desktop/screen and record video and sound at the same time. So you can guide through a Power Point, give feedback on a website or a text. Very helpful tool if you want to explain something “personally”. It’s a wonderful alternative to the live call and super for training, feedback…
A buyer is an all-rounder A logistician a magician. They know everything about negotiation. And they bring New Work to life.
All you should know about purchasing, medicine and healthcare. Our guide to build a professional purchasing department: The pyramid! You reach the top of the pyramid with 10 steps.
Learn everything about the 6 core tasks of strategic sourcing. We help you to deeply understand how your can ngotiate better prices.
Learn all about financing instruments and purchasing groups.